Is your service guaranteed?

Absolutely! In fact we are the only domestic cleaning company with a WRITTEN QUALITY GUARANTEE. We will offer you a second cleaner if the first disappoints. And, if you are still not happy, we will terminate the service and refund your money.

What kind of service can I expect?

We offer a cleaning package that can be put together to suit your particular needs. Choose from our Basic package right up to our Premium package. Details are shown on the pricing page.

Will I get the same cleaner every time?

Depending on the cleaning package you chose you will usually get the same cleaner every time.

Are your cleaners experienced & insured?

The level of experience will vary according to the cleaning package you select. Our top tier cleaners have worked for us for many years. Clearly new team members will have less experience but they receive plenty of support and training to ensure they meet our service standards very quickly.

All our cleaners are covered for public liability and personal injury. Breakages are covered too but the excess depends upon the cleaning package you choose.

How do you select your cleaners?

With care and attention to detail. The majority of our cleaners are recommended to us. All potential cleaners are interviewed in their own homes and references obtained and checked prior to any allocation of work. Only when we are 100% satisfied do we give a job to a new cleaner.

How long will it take to allocate my cleaner?

Typically we commence service within 3 to 10 working days. We arrange an initial meeting between you and your cleaner, prior to our starting; this can take a few days to organise.

Can I specify the day my cleaner comes?

Yes, you can. Depending on the package you chose you can even select the actual time your cleaner attends.

What cleaning tasks are covered?

Our cleaners are insured to carry out any housework you require in the boundaries of your house. Please be aware that we are not insured for any work required outside of the home.

What happens if my cleaner doesn't turn up?

Our response will depend upon the package you choose. For our premium clients we will find you a replacement within 2 working days! If you tell us your cleaner has not arrived, we will jump in to action and organise local cover or send our reserve team out to recover the situation.

Does the service continue if my cleaner goes on holiday?

Yes, if you need it to. A lot of our clients are happy not to have a service if their regular cleaner is on holiday. However, we are committed to providing continuity and if you want cover we will pull the stops out to make sure you get it.

How do I get started?

Call 020 8819 7890 NOW! to make an appointment for one of our managers to come out and see you. We believe in the personal touch and finding out just exactly how you want your home cleaned. As soon as we fully understand what type of service you need then you can relax and let us take all the hassle from you.

Can you explain your pricing?

Sure. Click here to visit our PRICING PAGE.

Can I read your full terms of business?

Yes of course. Our full terms of business can be found HERE.